Friday, 6 May 2011

Marketing to children

It is no secret that children watch a lot of television, as a result they are constantly bombarded with messages about consumption, both contained in commercial and in programmes themselves" (Solomon.2007)

Organisations market to children because children are alert of the product brands from a young age as they watch TV and adverts come on in between their programmes. This makes children aware of the products that are available. The rate for marketing to children has gone up over the last couple of years as a lot of money has been spent on marketing to children. Marketers market to children as they know they will convince parents to buy them the products or will save their pocket money to buy these branded products.

Marketing organisations take advantage of all the different types of methods that children live in... When children watch adverts on TV or see adverts in kid’s magazines, it makes them want the products being advertised. Normally all kids get what they want, there are many reasons as to why children get what they want, this is because some parents just want their kids to have everything they want... Some parents on the other hand might be separate and might be competing against each other to buy their kids good quality things...
Above is a picture to show how Mc donalds market to children, Mc donalds has a clown called Ronald Mc donald's, Mc donalds market to children by having this clown in adverts. In the picture above it shows that he is entertaining the kids... This is a method that Mc Donald's used to advertise to children. In the video below is an advert for the Mc donald's kid's happy meal.. they used toys and children in the advert to attract other children worldwide to have the happy meal at Mc Donald's...

In the lecture we found out that the birth rate in Britain has lowered down from 2.2. to 1.8, the reason for this is because people get married in the mid 20’s and wait till there are around the age of 28 before they start having children... Another thing that we found out in lecture is that there is an increase in the number of females that work now for that reason mother’s spend less time with their children therefore tend to buy them everything they want...
 <<< children crying for something they want >>>

In lecture as few video clips were played from sites such as YouTube, these video’s showed how the adverts persuade little children on buying the product, the videos shown in the lecture were very funny and very precise... There was a discussion held in the lecture about how marketers market children and why marketers market children. Most of the students in the lecture were saying how they used to see the adverts on TV and persuade their parents to buy the products... when I was young I used see things on TV and persuade my parents to buy me those things...

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