Friday, 6 May 2011

Generation Marketing (Generation X)

Generation marketing is when the age is put into different generation groups so different age sectors can be targeted at in many different ways... All the different generations has its own needs and wants that need to be aimed at in different ways to attract them towards products and services. For example, generation X are people that have been around technology, these people are easier to target as they look at email adverts whereas the generation that are called baby boom, they don’t have much access to the internet. This blog will be looking at the generation X... defines generation X as ‘A label attributed to people born during the 1960s and 1970s. Members of Generation X are often described as cynical or disaffected, though this reputation obviously does not apply to all people born during this era. This generation has an increased understanding of technology, having grown up during the age of computers. Sometimes also shortened to Gen X’.

When marketing each generation it is important to target all generation’s in different ways as all the generations have different needs and wants. Marketing and advertising organisations must be aware of the different methods that need to be used to aim at different generation groups, this way they will attract more consumers. Generation X are more attracted to the adverts that are sent via email or are put up on social network sites, this is the reason why most marketing organisations advertise on computers.

In the lecture we were divided into groups and were set a task to look at the similarities and differences of two different generation groups. We compared the generation X to the generation Y. All groups had to create a PowerPoint presentation on our findings and present in lecture. One of the finding that we had found is that people in the generation X group were attracted to the adverts sent via email. Whereas generation Y were attracted to adverts which were placed on social network sites such as Facebook and Twitter. To improve my understanding of the two generations I would spend more time researching on the two different generations.

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