Friday, 26 November 2010

First week at University

First week at Bucks New University... when i first got to Bucks university I was all confused, I realised this is not school everything has to be done by yourself. When I first started university I was studing a different course. Evemts and festival management was the course I was on first. After, a two weeks i realised that course was not for me. For that reason, I went through the process of changing courses. This was changed for me within a week.

When I first got into High Wycombe I realised that High Wycombe is a town with a lot of hills. At first I did get lost at the University, but I went around and around the university and found my way around. I liked signing up for societies and making new friends.

So far for the time I have been at univeristy, I believe university has been a great experience and I also think that I will have a great time at Bucks New University.

1 comment:

  1. You need to get working with the fundiotnality in blogger - import images and video clipsand make links to other useful websites
